Member of EVRS

Tuesday, 30 March 2010


After very long trips, at last I am at motherland.

I am still organising myself, and soon tutaonana through posts.

Nawashukuru watani wangu na wasomaji wangu, nimepitia ushauri na mawazo yenu, mengi yamenifurahisha na kunichekekesha.

Natumaini wengine tutaonana very soon.

Ila joto la Lukuvi, wacha tu!!!

Sunday, 28 March 2010

... Be Away

It is time to relax from the regular work
But it is time to explore other things away from work
That is what we call a holiday.
I am heading for it now, starting at the airport then ......., my posts will depends on time and internet accessibility.

Naanza likizo ya pasaka kama kwa wiki 2 hivi, tutakuwa tnaonana pale nitakapoweza kufanya hivyo.

Have a nice sunday

Ni sahihi au Si sahihi?

Katika pita pita yangu katikati ya mji wa Kigali... Nilimkuta mama huyu katika kituo cha mafuta akiwa na juhudi kubwa ya kumwagilia lami mpya ambayo ndio kwanza imewekwa siku iliyopita.
Jua lilikuwa ni kali na mara kadhaa alikuwa anakunywa maji hayo kutoka kwenye mpira wa kumwagilia ninafikiri ili apoze kiu.
Hakukukuwa na vumbi wala uchafu kwenye hiyo lami, yaani ilikuwa bado ni mpya.
Mimi sio mkondarasi wala sina ujuzi wa uhandisi, lakini sijawahi kuona lami ikimwagiliwa maji baada ya kuwekwa. Nimewahi kuona wanamwagilia maji kabla ya kuweka lami nafikiri ni kwa ajili ya kushindilia vizuri kifusi kinachowekwa nk.
Kutembea ni kujifunza mengi, kwa hili sijui kama nimejifunza au nimepotoshwa :-(
Nawatakia mapumziko mema ya wikiendi.

Saturday, 27 March 2010

Multi-digits Chinese Boy Operated Successfully

6 years old Chinese boy with 16 toes and 15 fingers has been operted successfully by removing 11 extra digits.
This boy was born with several extra digits which has been causing some problems on his daily activities.
The radiological examination which was done to him revealed that almost all the digits were fully developed and each digit had an appropriate bone inside.
He had to wear larger shoes for comfort during walking as his size could not fit well
Some children were making fun of his toes, therefore troubling him.

Photos and more details from Blogg Falls

Thursday, 25 March 2010

Siasa za Bongo!!!

Jamani wabongo...

Ebu fikirieni mambo ya maendeleo kwa kuyatengea pesa za kutosha
Maendeleo yenu bado yapo mkiani, tena kwenye ncha ya mkia

Sasa matumizi makubwa yasiyo na ulazima ya nini?

Mmependekeza kampeni ya urais itengewe sh bilioni 5, yaani 5,000,000,000

Msajili wa vyama alipendekeza isizidi bilioni 1, nyie mmeona hana maana.
Za wabunge hatusemi, mnang'ang'ania kuongeza majimbo! Hiyo ni kwa faida ya nani?

Huduma za afya, usafiri, elimu, matunzo kwa wazee mnasema hamna pesa.

Nyie mmelaani au mmelaaniwa!!!

Wednesday, 24 March 2010

She want to be The Fattest Woman Ever Seen in This World!!

Donna Simpson on above and below pictures, she is striving hard to hold Guiness Book of world records as the fattest woman ever seen in this world!!!!
By now she weighs 600 pounds.
She can eat about 25 pizzas in one meal or other food. She spends about $ 750 a week on food to keep her body growing.
By now she can hardly walk, she has to use special motorised devise - Bariatric scooter to move around and doing her shopping.

Simpson is trying to beat Leanne Salt (pictured below) record, however they differ in terms of the cause of increased body weight. While simpson eat deliberately fattening food, Leanne, she is suffering from medical condition called hypothyroidism.
Leane Salt who gave birth to triplets following caesaren section to whom her operation was assisted by 68 medics team

The staff needed for the birth included
  • 5 nurse midwives,
  • 4 surgeons
  • 12 neonatal consultants, registrars and nurses.
    4 anaesthetists were needed to administer an epidural to numb the lower half of her body because a general anaesthetic could have killed her.
    2 gynaecology oncologists were on hand for their skills in life-or-death surgery, even though there was no suggestion of cancer.
    And the delivery couldn't take place until SIX workshop specialists had built a special operating table reinforced with steel rods to support Leanne's enormous body.
Photo: Leanne at the age of 10 years
Leane Salt who started to put on weight in her teen due to hypotyhroidism has separated from her boy friend following a battle for loosing weight after delivery.
Watu wengine bwana, mh!!!

Tuesday, 23 March 2010

Bahrain Flashback

This photo I took at Manama, the capital city of Bahrain in the international conference I attended (Middle East African Council of Ophthalmology) last year.
This was a retinal subspeciality hall.
It was interesting meeting for many things.....
Usishangae kuona zimepigwa kutoka nyuma, maana hata kwa mbele ilikuwa taabu kuona sura za baadhi ya watu.

Monday, 22 March 2010

Kwa Kenya: Ni Mzaha Tu

Baada ya Kenya kutangaza rasmi sheria ya kuzuia kuvuta sigara hadharani. Halmashauri za miji ziliambiwa kutoa matangazo kwa wananchi kuhusiana na sheria hiyo mpya ili wananchi wazifahamu, kwani kuivunja kutapelekea kushtakiwa mahakamani.

Kila mji uliandika matangangazo kama ifuatavyo:

Uvutaji wa sigara umepigwa marufuku kuanzia leo.Watakaopatikana wakikiuka amri hii wataadhibiwa kwa mujibu wa sheria. Nyote zingatieni.

Wanyuanji wa thigara washunge sana . Unyuanji wa thigara bere ya watu hata huko ije umefigwa marufuku na kaju kuanjia reo.

Machakos:Wavulutanji tusikala wasunge sana . Sasa kuvuluta tusikala ni maluvuku na kanzu ya Masaku itawasukulia atua kuvwa sana.

Kisumu:Atenson Plis!!! Mifuto sgara adharani sasa omepigwa marofuku. Okipaatwa, ibiro yie Kodiaga! Apana furuta Plis!!

Habana iko buruta sigara. Yeye lishapigwa marufuk na sisi tagaamata mutu bahala yaghe kiburuta.

Gutoga leo gugunywa na gufuruta sigara sisi nagshagataasa. Haguna!! Charipu wee taona!!!

Kisii and Nyamira:
Akuna kukunywa sigara hapa ndani na inche kuansia reo. Mutakaobatikana mutakura kiboko saa hiyo hiyo. Wote munaombua kujiatari sana.

Hakuneko kufuruteko sikara hapa ntani kudoka leo. Ukipatikaneko ukifurutako sikara udafundishekwho atapu kali na utaoneko djamdemaguni!

Miji mingine watendaji walikuwa wameenda kwenye kozi ya kiswahili, kwani matangazo ya awali yaliandikwa kwa lugha za wenyeji, hivyo yakashindwa kuhakikiwa na mabaraza ya miji hiyo, na kwa hasira wakawaambia waende kujifunza kiswahili!:-(

Namshukuru Mdau kwa kunipatia habari hii.

Sunday, 21 March 2010

Problems with my Network

Aaaaarrrgh, I have problem with my network from friday evening, on... off.....on... off

Kuna matatizo ya mtandao hapa kwangu, mtandao unakatika katika sana tangu ijumaa jioni, nashindwa kutoa vibandiko vyangu, nina matumaini mambo yakiwa sawa itakuwa rahisi kubandika na pia kusoma blog za watu wangu wooote

Nawatakia Jumapili njema.

Friday, 19 March 2010

When the Dog Goes to Emergency Room for Treatment!!!

An injuried dog in northwest New Mexico City of Farmington last saturday night went to the San Juan Medical Center emergency room probably for treatment.

The dog was seen limping toward the door of emergency room, the automated door opened and the dog limped in slowly. The dog just seated there in calm when the receptionist was busy calling for help.

The animal control officer was called and went to see the dog and discover a puncture wound on dog's limb by which they suspect it was from another dog's bite.

The dog was later claimed by the owner at the animal shelter where the dog was taken for care.

Hivi ingekuwa ni huku kwetu uswazi, huyo mbwa aliyeenda hospitali watu wangemfanyaje..... Mawe, marungu, fukuzwa, kumuita mtaalamu wa mifugo, polisi au kumtunza????

Read the story here

Wednesday, 17 March 2010

Africa is Ahead for Animal Rights

While animal rights activists are busy in developed citis at developed world, they have forgotten completely that animal rights exists and much more advanced in some African countries.

Going to sell a goat doesn't mean that the goat has to suffer long distance dragging...
To have the best goat stew ....... ..... all explanation on the photo.. :-)

What do you think about this .....

Picha hii Nimeikuta kwa Maisha

Tuesday, 16 March 2010

Sindano Iliyomuua Michael Jackson Kupigwa Mnada?

Kumekuwa na habari za udaku ya kuwa ile sindano na bomba lake iliyotumika kumchoma na kusababisha kifo cha Michael Jackson kuna mjanja anataka kuipiga mnada na kuiuza kwa kiasi cha pauni milioni 5 za uingereza amabazo ni karibu sawa na madafu ya kitanzania (shilingi) zaidi ya bilioni 12.

Wazo hilo lilikuja kwa mnazi huyo baada ya mahakama kusema hailihitaji tena bomba hilo la sindano kwa sasa kwenye ushahidi wa kesi ya aliyekuwa daktari wake Murray ambayeamefunguliwa kesi ya kumuua MJ bila kukusudia kwa kumchoma sindano inayotumika kulaza wagonjwa kwenye chumba cha upasuaji.

Thamani halisi ya sindano na bomba lake haizidi madafu 500.

Habari hizi zimeishtua sana familia ya Michael Jackson na wamekasirika sana, na wanafanya kila juhudi kuzuia uhalifu wa namna hiyo.

Lakini mjanja huyo naye ni mwerevu, ameshapata jopo la mawakili kumuongoza mpaka apate uhalali wa kisheria kuuza hilo bomba, na tayari amesha zunguka kwenye minada maarufu huko Las Vegas kutafuta soko.

Kwa kimombo bofya hapa

Sunday, 14 March 2010

Polisi Tanzania na Harakati za Kutokomeza Rushwa

Jeshi la polisi Tanzania limeweka mkakati wa kupunguza rushwa, (nasisitiza kupunguza, na sio kumaliza) katika jeshi hilo kwa kuwazawadia polisi watakaokataa kupokea rushwa na kuwafikisha watuhumiwa katika mikono ya sheria.

Zawadi wanayopewa ni sawa na kiasi walichokataa kupokea kutoka kwa mtuhumiwa.
Wikii hii tumeshuhudia askari mmoja akiwa hundi ya mfano (dummy cheque) ya kiasi cha Sh milioni 4 baada ya kukataa rushwa ya kiasi cha dola za kimarekani 3,000.
Hii inatiamoyo kwa kujenga jeshi dhubuti lenye nidhamu na uaminifu.

Pia mwezi huu tumeshuhudia watu wakikamatwa na madawa ya kulevya huko Tanga, tulimshuhudia kamanda mmoja akisema hawatajali wenye biashara hiyo ya madawa ya kulevya ni vigogo au watu wadogo, sheria ni msumeno na watashughulikiwa wote.
Pia raia mmoja wa Kenya na Mwingine wa Ujerumani walikamatwa na kiasi kikubwa cha fedha bandia za kitanzania na pia yuro na dola nyingi tu.

Bado ninajiuliza, je ni kweli jeshi la polisi limebadilika kikweli au ndio tumekaribia uchaguzi basi kila mtu anajifanya kuanza kuwajibika!!
Kwani imekuwa ni kitu cha kawaida kupeleka kesi polisi, na unaishiwa kuombwa chochote ili uwawezeshe polisi kufanya kazi yao

Siku za nyuma tulishuhudia mkuu fulani wa polisi akisema wamepokea orodha ya watu wanaojishughulisha na madawa ya kulevya, na akasema kwenye vyombo vya habari ya kuwa orodha hiyo inatisha, maana majina ya wahusika inaonekana yalikuwa ni ya watu mashuhuri, sifahamu hiyo orodha ilifika wapi maana wenye nchi walikataa kabisa kuiweka hadharani orodha hiyo kwa wananchi ili nao wawafahamu watu wanaoangamiza vijana kwa biashara yao hiyo.
Kwa sasa imekuwa kimya kabisa.

Swali kero:
Tunawazawadia polisi, ni sawa, lakini je watuhumiwa na wao watahukumiwa kihalali? Je, na wanaowatuma kuleta madawa hayo nao watashughulikiwa?
Suala la polisi kuomba rushwa, nalo limewekewa mikakati gani?

Watanzania sasa tumechoka na mikakati ya kulindana

Friday, 12 March 2010

Weekend Thought

I have something to post, but.. I am still working on it.

If You enter a room, which part of your body goes in first??

If it is your tummy, please see a dietician immediately

I just want to wish you a lovely weekend!

Thursday, 11 March 2010

Tajiri Mpya wa Mwaka 2010 Duniani

Carlos Slim Helu (Pichani) raia wa Mexico ndiye mtu tajiri kuliko wote duniani kwa mwaka 2010 kutokana na matokeo ya matandao wa Forbes.
Helu ambaye anaendesha biashara ya mambo ya mawasiliano ikiwamo na simu amewapiku raia wa Marekani Bill Gates and Warren Buffett ambao wamekuwa wanatawala nafasi mbili za juu, na Bill Gates kuzidiwa kwa mara ya pili katika miaka 14 iliyopita.

Utajiri wa Helu unakaribia kufikia kiwango cha dola za kimarekani bilioni 53.5 akiwa amemwacha Bill Gates katika nafasi ya 2 ambapo utajiri wake unafikia kiasi cha dola bilioni 53 na Buffet akiwa wa tatu.
Nafasi ya 4 na 5 zinashkiliwa na mabilionea wa India.

Utajiri wa Helu unakadiriwa kuongezeka kwa kiasi cha dola bilioni 18.5 kwa miezi 12 tu iliyopita.

Kwa ujumla Marekani bado inaongoza kwa kuwa na idadi kubwa ya mabilionea duniani, ingawa China imekuwa inakuja juu

Wale Mafisadi wetu wasitarajie kwa wizi wao huo wataweza kuingia kwenye chart kama hizi!

Source: au hapa

Wednesday, 10 March 2010

Headache is a Headache

People with headache they usually do not know the cause of their headaches

when they go to see a doctor, they are told so many things which can cause headache, when they enquire in order to understand more about the type of their headaches, Doctors give them more headache by confusing them, because they also do not know exactly what causes their patients' headaches!!!

You will also see the Doctors developed a headache when they think hard about other people's headaches!!!.

Now what is this......

If you dont sleep well you get headache

If you are ill, you get a headache
if you are hungry or angry, headache

If I loose your valuable or you are broke, you get a headache

If your car get knocked, you get a headache

If your lover abandon you, a headache

If you are preparing for examination, you get a headache
If people make noises at the top of your tolerance, headache
If you think about loosing your parliamentary constituency, a headache
Boosing too much, next mornng a headache
If you are very rich, er... headache plus no happiness
Ukidaiwa, , headache

Why not tooth ache, hair ache, nail ache.

Arsenal 5, FC Porto 0

Timu ya Arsenal, pamoja na kuwa na majeruhi wengi tena wachezaji wa kutegemewa imeonyesha kuwa vijana wake yoso ni moto wa kuotea mbali baada ya kuifumua FC Porto ya Ureno kwa mabao 5 - 0.

Mchezo ulichezwa uwanja wa Arsenal - Emirates na kuhudhuriwa na washabiki waliojaa uwanjani mpaka pomoni.

Najaribu kutafakari kama ndio ungekuwa mpira wa kwetu wa Simba au Yanga kukatokea timu ikashindiliwa mabao yote hayo, nahisi viongozi wa timu wangeishakuwa katika mkao wa kusubiri kupinduliwa uongozini na kusingiziwa wamekula mlungula.

Na Sangoma angekuwa ameshajichunia mapema, maana kuna baadhi ya wachezaji bila kupiga ramli na kuomba matokeo ya giza, basi siku hiyo hawawezi kucheza :-(
Sikushangaa wakati kocha mmoja mzungu alipolalamika kuwa tatizo kubwa la timu za Bongo wanaamini sana majuju kuliko kucheza mpira.

Mie ninashauri wakaguzi wa timu kabla ya pambano wawapige sachi wachezaji kujua kama wamebeba transistor ama la, maana hizi zinawaharibia saikolojia na ari ya kutafuta ushindi :-(

Congrats Arsenal!!!

Tuesday, 9 March 2010

Uganda Prime Minister Cheated Death

Uganda Prime Minister Mr Apollo Nsibambi yesterday survived after a copter accident when he was going back to Kampala from Eastern Uganda where he went there to receive aid from Kenya authorities for the victims of land slide in eastern Uganda.
His copter had a techinical fault which forced the pilot to have an emergency landing at Bugiri Hospital airstrip, but before landing the copter spinned around before hitting a tree and lost complete control before bouncing on the ground.
All people in the copter survived with minor injuries.
The copter belonged to the Ugandan Police forces.
Read more here

Monday, 8 March 2010

Ujumbe Wangu kwa Siku ya Wanawake Duniani

Leo ni siku ya WANAWAKE duniani.

Hakika ni siku kubwa labda pengine kuliko zote.
Kuna watu waliwafananisha wanawake na maua yanayodumu, kwani kila mtu anapotaka kupumzisha akili yake, basi anapokaa katika bustani iliyo na maua hujisikia furaha moyoni. Ni kweli pia katika dunia yetu, watu ambao wanaleta furaha ya kweli, upendo na amani ni wanawake.

Hata kwa wanaume makatili na wanaopigana vita na kuishi mafichoni, sehemu pekee anaposema anastarehe ni pale anapokuwa na mwanamke (Ingawa mara nyingi kwa hapa ni ukatili na ubabe).

Kwa mantiki hii, kuna baadhi ya watu wameshindwa kuelewa umuhimu wa wanawake katika maisha yetu ya kila siku. Sitaweza kuwasemea sana wanawake, lakini nafikiri kwa upande wao starehe yao kubwa ni pale panapokuwa na amani na upendo. Labda mwanaume ni sehemu tu ya starehe (Naomba msininukuu hapa).

Ujumbe wa mwaka huu unazungumzia fursa sawa na maendeleo kwa wote. Tunapaswa kuuenzi ujumbe huu kwa vitendo.

Napenda kuwashukuru na kuwapongeza wanawake wote Duniani. Sitaki kuwa mchoyo wa fadhila, kwani shukrani zangu za kipekee nampa Mama yangu mzazi kwa kunilea na kunikuza mpaka leo nilipofikia hapa. Pia shukrani nyingine ni kwa mke wangu ambaye muda wote yupo nami hata kama umbali unatutenganisha kwa nyakati fulani, pia binti yangu ambaye ana mapenzi makubwa kwetu wazazi (unconditional love), ambaye amekuwa chachu ya furaha katika maisha yetu ya kila siku.
Nawashukuru na dada zangu na bila kuwasahau marafiki zangu wote wa kike ambao wamekuwa wakinitembelea hapa kwenye kibaraza na kutoa michango mbalimbali ya mawazo ingawa hatujawahi kuonana maishani zaidi ya kukutana kwenye mitandao hii ya kuandika na kufyatua.

Najivunia kuwafahamu Wanawake, najisikia furaha kuwapa heri katika siku yao, na najisikia ya kuwa wanahitaji msaada wetu sisi wanaume ili waweze kujikomboa kimaisha.

God Bless All Women

Sunday, 7 March 2010

This Sunday's Message

Younger Children have failed to follow what adults tells them to do..
But, they have never Failed to Imitate what Adults do.

I wish you a lovely Sunday and God Bless You!

Friday, 5 March 2010

Tanzania Beggars Now Suffers

Last month there were rumours in Tanznia that one lady had her hand sproutted with hair following offering money in kind to a crippled beggar at one of the traffic lights. She eventually failed to drove away when she was permitted to go by a traffic officer.
Through complex explanations, the lady was said to vanish into thin air leaving the vehicle alone. So many blah blah came out, however, this story was denied by police forces. It was eventually known to be mzaha tu.
Some comedians decided to use their profession to send a message to the community that information was just a rumour, and they bear in mind that the "good samaritans" stopped to offer beggars (especially crippled) anything which made them (beggars) suffer more, in fact even beggars themselves they admitted to suffer following this rumours.
Unfortunately, during the video shooting, some of the nearby beggars were angered by the immitation and one of them reacted by beating the TV crews and comedians and through life saving race, one of the commedians was knocked off by a car and he sustained some injuries.
Still people are reluctant to offer money to the beggars, and now people are making jokes that the more you give, the more hair sprout in your body. For this photo, they make a joke that this "good samaritan" offered equivalent to 1 USD!
Lakini kwa nini Tatizo la Omba omba limekuwa sugu sana hasa Dar es Salaam?
Au tunasubiri wafadhili kuja kutusaidia?!!!

Thursday, 4 March 2010

Habari Mpya: Soko la Samaki Feri Laungua Moto

Habari zilizonifikia usiku huu ni kuwa sehemu ya soko la samaki hapo Feri imeungua moto.

Chanzo cha moto huo na hasara iliyopatikana bado haijanifikia sawasawa, maana juhudi za kuuzima bado zinaendelea kwa sasa.

Natumaini kufika asubuhi tutakuwa na habari ya kutosha.

Wednesday, 3 March 2010

Days on the Earth Might Have Been Shortened by Chile Quake

According to NASA, the massive 8.8 earthquake that struck Chile may have shifted Earth's axis and changed the entire Earth's rotation and shortened the length of days on our planet.

The computer model used by Gross and his colleagues to determine the effects of the Chile earthquake effect also found that it should have moved Earth's figure axis by about 3 inches (8 cm or 27 milliarcseconds).

Strong earthquakes have altered Earth's days and its axis in the past

One Earth day is about 24 hours long. Over the course of a year, the length of a day normally changes gradually by one millisecond. It increases in the winter, when the Earth rotates more slowly, and decreases in the summer, Gross has said in the past.

The Chile earthquake was much smaller than the Sumatran temblor, but its effects on the Earth are larger because of its location. Its epicenter was located in the Earth's mid-latitudes rather than near the equator like the Sumatran event.

The fault responsible for the 2010 Chile quake also slices through Earth at a steeper angle than the Sumatran quake's fault, NASA scientists said.

"This makes the Chile fault more effective in moving Earth's mass vertically and hence more effective in shifting Earth's figure axis," NASA officials said.

Gross said his findings are based on early data available on the Chile earthquake. As more information about its characteristics are revealed, his prediction of its effects will likely change.

Read here as the prime source of this information

Tuesday, 2 March 2010

World Cup 2010: 100 Days Countdown

South Africa has started 100 days count down today before the first ever World cup tournament in Africa.

President of FIFA Sepp Blatter has confirmed that South Africa is ready for the tournament after his visit to 10 stadiums that will hold the World Cup this year.

Almost all necessary work has been done except two stadiums which will be finished on time.
So far, 76% of the tickets has been sold, and as the countdown going towards the day, the presuure for getting ticket will explode.

Many football fans from Africa are intending to travel to South Africa for the tournament.

In my company, applications for annual leaves are already in pipelines, which will allow people to travel to South Africa to be part of the history.

My comrade Faustine has already bought mikeka na vuvuzela for people to sleep on vibaraza to make the history. Lakini .... lazima uwe na kashoka kibindoni ikitokea mkavamiwa au mtafaruku mwingine :-)

Ajali ya Ndege ya Air Tanzania Mwanza

Ndege ya shirika la ndege la Tanzania Boeing 737 - 200 yenye namba ya usajili 5H - MVZ jumatatu tarere 1 machi 2010 asubuhi imepata ajali wakati ikitua kwenye uwanja wa ndege wa Mwanza.

Baada ya kutua ilikwenda umbali wa kama mita karibu 800 kabla ya kuacha njia na kuingia kwenye nyasi na kusababisha tairi la mbele kurudi ndani na hivyo sehemu ya mbele ya ndege hiyo kugusa ardhi na injini moja kuharibika.

Hakuna abiria aliyejeruhiwa, ingawa abiria walilazimika kukaa kama dakika 20 ndani ya ndege baada ya kusimama wakisubiri ngazi iletwe ya kushuka!

Kulikuwa hakuna upepo mkali uwanjani, isipokuwa kulikuwa na ukungu kiasi na mvua iliyokuwa imenyesha ilisababisha sehemu ya kutua na kurukia ndege kuwa na kabwawa ka muda. Hali hii ndio inasemekana huenda ndio ilisababisha ajali hiyo.

Kama ni kweli, inaweza kushangaza kwani miaka ya nyuma kama sijasahau sana, ndege ya shirika hilo hilo iliwahi kukwama tena baada ya kutua kwa sababu ya uwanja kujaa maji.
Kama hali hii haijarekebishwa, hapo ni kutia maisha ya watu rehani!
Sasa huyu ng'ombe wa maskini vipi jamani!

Monday, 1 March 2010

Kwa nini Sielewi Hapa?!

Kama wewe unaelewa alama hizo, ebu tupe msaada wa kuzielewa japo na sisi tufaidike kidogo.
I hope it is not a blue monday to you!