Monday, 31 October 2011

World's Population Hits 7 Billion!!

The world's population is said to hit 7 billion today! 
There is an increase of world populaton by 100% for the past 50 years. 
I am trying to imagine what will happen in the next 50 years. Population increases, food and water reduced, there will be a big imbalance between population's growth and source of human survival on this planet.
Coming to global warming where are we heading?  
Okay, welcome the 7th billion neonate!  

Photo from


  1. A truly frightening growth rate helping to create a very uncertain future....


  2. you will die chib while others will b coming. why worry?? are u almighty? am happy 4 that

  3. Kamala, I am scientist, I would like to explore what will happen when the world is overpopulated in terms of gravity and its characteristics on solar system. I dont just sit down and kenua meno to wait what will happen, but rather to be the part of what is happening upo hapo!? :-)
