Friday, 10 December 2010
Nobel Peace Price 2010 Received by a Ghost
The family of Liu Xiaobo who is the Nobel Peace prize winner for 2010 has been banned to attend the prize giving ceremony in Oslo - Norway today.
They were not granted permission to leave China for not clearly known reasons, but every one in the world can guess the main reason.
Xiaobo has been sentenced to jail for 11 years on charges for trying to "westernises" China.
The wife of Xiaobo has been in house arrest for 2 months now since annoncement of the winner for Nobel Prize. Yesterday the security was even more tighter at the front of her apartment in Beijing with both plain and uniformed security officers.
For another time since 1936, this year ceremony will be conducted without the laureatte or representative to be in Oslo to receive the award.
More info at TVS
China!!! I s so diversity in terms of laws. But .. Chinese are doing good wonders and deadly wonders from good imitation of products to numerous and unsafe fake products.
ReplyDeleteThat is a nation of billion people. Having marching guys almost every corner of the world.