Wednesday, 9 December 2009

Tanzania Today Marks 48 Years of Independence

The current Tanzanian flag

The flag below was adapted on 4th May 1891, and used up to 1919 when Germany lost battle in the world war I

The flag below is thought that it was proposed specific for East Africa Germany colonies, but never used

There is uncertainity of British colonial flag for Tanganyika between 1919 - 1961

This is what is thought to be the former flag for Tanganyika

Probably this was the Governor's flag.

This was the new flag after independence of Tanganyika in 1961, it was before Tanganyika and Zanzibar united. The union which was in 1964 turn these two countries into one where United Republic of Tanzania was born.


  1. Ahsante kwa historia hii Chib. Na uwe na wakati mzuri kwa siku hii muhimu kwa Tanzania yetu.

  2. I wonder.... what is the output out of this independence :-(
    We can say congratulations, but empty handed!

  3. Jinsi ninavyozidi kukua ndivyo ninavyopoteza hamu na siku hii. Uhuru wa wote kinadharia na uhuru wa wachache kiuchumi. Ahsante Mwalimu na wenzake. Walikuwa na lengo zuri.

  4. you have a really interesting blog
