When I was looking at this photo which I took 3 years ago while shopping in Bergen, Norway.... Something came into my mind, by recalling when my Mdau, ....from nowhere she met these friends in the shop, and within few minutes they became unseparatable friends, amazing ... even they could not understood each other language.
I remember..., the mothers .... had to play their tricks and roles as mothers to manage their separation, otherwise, time was out of our hands.
I wonder why later people become enemies, why do they fight, why do they kill each other, I have so many why, why, why , endless why.
I just wish all people in the world should have ... remained kids... :-)
I would add....remained like kids but with abilities to make babies if we still hope it was a good idea we were born:-)
There will not be wars and crimes in the world very nice.
Wouldn't it be wonderful if as adults we would view the world through the eyes of a child.
jesus Christ told you (who believe in him) that the kingdom of hisi father is for such kid like hearts!!!
The photo is lovely! And you're totally right about adults.
I do not know which is the best comment. But I like all. If it is tusker project... I am not the judge!!
Well I agree but I about the post should prepare more info then it has.
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