Constructive chat?!!
Does men likes to drink?!! and less time to talk/gossip!!
Today while I was listening to BBC Swahili service.........
"It has been found that on average, women talks about 7,000 words a day while men talks about 2,000 words a day".
Wow!!! I have no comment!!
It's true bro. Women talk more than men, and most of the talkings are the gossips.
Ha ha ha haaaa!
Hiyo vita unayoanza, usije omba msaada. LOL!
Haya mzee,kama ndivyo kazi ipo!!!
Kwi kwi kwiii
Aaah babu wee naona unataka kulianzisha bifu hapa! hao BBC walifanya wapi huo utafiti? Afadhali sisi wo-men gossips zetu ziko creative than you men!
Habari hii ni mupya kabisa, nawa BBC wanasema kweli, hata bila wao at least kuna truth ndami yake, kama mama yetu Lucy na Kibaki, mbona mama ndio ansema sana
Jogoo! :-)
Msimamo wangu upo palepale, sina comment!!
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