Thursday, 16 July 2009

What do men say about Women

They say many things

Women, are the neck, I am the one who thinks, but they are the ones who decide where should I look...

They are flowers of this world, once they fall off, they are different!!

Without my woman, I will be in a mess.......

They are easy to cheat, I can imagine ... cheating a man and when he discover later...., he will definitely slaught me, but women ... forgives!!!

They are like mobile phones, they make life more easy in communication, solve our unreachable problems, we love them, we like to touch them, we like to talk to them however we keep them in our pockets, and if you press the wrong button, you will be disconnected immediately!

Siku njema!!


  1. thanks for visiting...
    greetings from malaysia

  2. haisee, mimi nawapenda wanawake, walinizaa harafu naweza baki uchi mbele yao. he make me feel my self as a complete man. I love women

  3. I like the last impression. Mobile phones!

  4. Hi Chib,

    Thank for visit my blog. Warm regard form Malaysia.

    For me..I love them ( women ) very very much, they are my love, my life and my only one..

  5. mimi awapenda ili mradi wawe na taarabu ya kutosha
    he he he

  6. Thanks of the many comments you've left on Travel

    Very interesting photos that you have posted in the post, the African tradition and modernity with new technologies, on which all mankind must come to terms.

    Hello Chib,good weekend

