Tuesday, 28 April 2009

Mental illness churches in Ghana

Ghana is one of West African country believed to have strong Christian belief, and there is a trend of changing from the western type of Christian doctrine to African Christianity in terms of religious belief and forms of expression. The self-confidence of Ghanaians in finding their own Christian way of worshipping God is illustrated even more clearly by the “healing” and “spiritual” churches.

The diseases which are not easily treated or which need life-long treatment are believed to be treated by some pastors famously known as the Okomfo.

Pastor Christian is famous for treatment of mental illness by prayers. Those patients brought agitated are chained and immobilized. Extended prayers is the only treatment they are given.
Some curious journalist when visited his mental prayer hospital/church, they found some naked ladies lying on the floor and chained. Fr Christian he said they are naked because they tore apart their clothes! He further said they will be better after 3 days of prayers.

There was another guy who claimed that he went to Dusini (traditional herbalist) because of psoriasis, when he failed to heal, he demanded his money back, and Dusini called people, he was then sent forcefully to Okomfo and chained!

Ghanaian health official cannot do anything as there is no National bill to prohibit these acts.

1 comment:

  1. I think now religion has become a booming business especially in Africa. Prayer for madness! This a day laughter!!
